Kisoro district, Bunagana towncouncil crash over Maziba farm land

Home » Kisoro district, Bunagana towncouncil crash over Maziba farm land

February 14, 2024    By Uziah   

Kisoro district, Bunagana towncouncil crash over Maziba farm land

Story by Mbabazi Vanansio Kakogoso

Kisoro district council is embroiled in a dispute with Bunagana town council over Maziba Demonstration farm land, along Kisoro-Bunagana road.

The Land in question is a seven acre land located in Maziba cell Bunagana town council. The locals say that their grandfather gave the said land to National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) in 1940’s to set up a demonstration farm.

When NARO left, the land was handed over to Muramba Sub County and when Bunagana town council was created in 2018, Maziba Demonstration farm was among the assets handed over to the town council.

On 4th November 2022, the Mayor Bunagana town council Ismail Ndayambaje petitioned the Kisoro district Chairman Abel Bizimana over the same land, and his petition was rendered null and void. However, Town council accuses the Kisoro district council of illegally leasing the said land to unknown people without its consent.

The locals who include the chairperson Maziba cell Bunagana town council Leo Nibiyizi aged 64, Yakobo Ssebaganda aged 75, Pamela Kyomugisha the Bunagana ward councilor, John Bosco Mugisha aged 50 say that the land is not titled and it belongs to their forefathers. They say they will do everything within their reach to block the lease or sale of the land.

The Mayor Bunagana town council Ismail Ndayambaje says the town council will seek interpretation of the law from the Solicitor General to ascertain if truly the land belongs to the Bunagana or Kisoro district.

The Kisoro district Chief Administrative Officer Hajji Mayanja Majwala Badru explains that the land that is disputed belongs to Kisoro district. He challenges the Bunagana town council to show proof of ownership of the land in question.